I love Wikipedia! There i said it. No matter what anyone else thinks, I think it's great. You can find practically anything on it and unlike traditional encyclopedias, wiki covers topics both mundane and academic. I am addicted to Japanese anime and Wikipedia has lots of information about manga and film easily accessible. It also covers weird things like my home towns bus timetable, as well as obscure things like the service history of the HMAS Yarra II. How cool is that.
Now the question of how to use Wiki's as resources for the library is interesting. The BookLovers Wiki had a great idea of putting up book reviews to be updated and commented on. We produce a newsletter of great reads through the library and a wiki seems like a logical extent ion of this. Subject guides wiki would be great for helping our teenagers to research using the library, we could set up subject topics suggested by the teachers to follow the years curriculum. SLQ Library 2.0 wiki really demonstrates how Wiki's enable information to be updated more efficiently and effectively than is possible with basic websites.
Lots to think about and ponder for future library projects.