Folksonomies and Tagging
Social bookmarking with I'm not sure if I get delicious, I think I'll need to play around with it some more. At first glance it seems to be a good idea and I really like tag clouds. I don't know why, perhaps because it seems like a really intuitive system where you don't really have to know anything about them to use them effectively. More important information or information that is most utilised, is larger and therefore more noticeable than more obscure subjects, leading to more efficient identification and usage of said data. but the idea of sitting down and tagging all the websites you are interested in seems like a task for someone with a lot more time on their hands. After setting up my own delicious account (as in the link) I was hard pressed to think of one website to add let alone all of them, and it seemed kind of pointless as I keep all the websites I regularly visit in my Favourites box. But I can see how such sites would be useful for larger organisations to share information and research material within their community. The technology seems to come into its own more as a research tool than as a social endeavour.
However, I really loved Technorati. Being a blog fan I really loved how Technorati made finding new and interesting blogs really easy. A matter of just typing your interest in the search bar and clicking on the blog with the most interesting byline. Searching for "bookmobile", as suggested in the lesson, I found a number of interesting articles a snippet of one I will include because it made me laugh:
Buy This: “Smell of Books” — enhance your e-book... post/ 120751138
the daily what : Buy This: “ Smell of Books ” — enhance your e-book experience by giving your e-reader that “fresh from the bookmobile” smell. If you’ve been hesitant to jump on the e-book bandwagon, you’re not alone. Book lovers everywhere have resisted digital books because they still don’t compare to the experience of reading a good old fashioned paper book. But all of that is changing thanks to Smell of Books™, a revolutionary new aerosol e-book enhancer. Now you can finally enjoy reading e-books without giving up the smell you love so much. post/ 120751138
the daily what : Buy This: “ Smell of Books ” — enhance your e-book experience by giving your e-reader that “fresh from the bookmobile” smell. If you’ve been hesitant to jump on the e-book bandwagon, you’re not alone. Book lovers everywhere have resisted digital books because they still don’t compare to the experience of reading a good old fashioned paper book. But all of that is changing thanks to Smell of Books™, a revolutionary new aerosol e-book enhancer. Now you can finally enjoy reading e-books without giving up the smell you love so much.
How off the wall is that? As if the smell is the only thing keeping people from the new e-book technology.
Lastly we looked at Librarything, another great idea in my humble opinion. Not only does it quickly and easily catalogue your own collection of books but it also allows you to sticky beak at other peoples collections and fine out what they think about their own books.
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