Friday, November 17, 2006

Its beginning to look a lot like christmas ...

Is it me or is Christmas getting closer each year. It seems like just when Easter is over the shops bring out the Christmas cheer. I don't know, but this seems to take all the joy out of the holiday for adults and confuse the kids. When I was younger, getting something Christmassy was a treat for December, now you have Christmas in July and its just not the same. Maybe I feel the passing of time more quickly as I work in a library and we tend to look two weeks ahead to when the books are due back. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas, the whole idea of thinking about your loved ones and how much they mean to you, and honouring them with well thought out and meaningful gifts is a great one, but too early is still too early. The anticipation is ruined, I think, which impacts on the magical quality of Christmas, or maybe I'm just cynical.

Friday, November 10, 2006

time to celebrate . . . come on!

Yes its trully time to celebrate I have just completed my final exam in my bachelor of Arts, majoring in English Literature and Drama Studies. And to all those annoying people who ask what am I now (meaning doctor, librarian, ect.) the answer is I am a university graduate. Its really difficult to put into words what it means to finally be finished with this course, but relieved would have to be the main one. Delays from family, jobs and so on have stretched my studies out by double the amount of time needed and so I am just happy to be finished at last.
Now all I have to do is save up for the post graduate degree I want to do. Oh well, another day another dollar.